Floor Riser Board

Floor Riser Board
A floor Riser board may be needed if your little one’s legs are too short and you want them to grow into their chair. Getting foot contact on the floor is super essential for good fit and pelvic positioning. Custom chairs can be made for extra fees if you have a little one with extra long or short tibia bones. The floor riser board allows Anni’s Activity Chair to accomodate a 5 inch limb from knee (middle of joint) to heel instead of the 6 inch to 6.5 inch height that is standard height of the chair without the floor riser board. The peg on the underside of the floor riser board allows for the position of the board to move forward and back to desired location in the predrilled holes. It also keeps the floor board still and stable.
Return/Refund Policy
We want you to be happy! We will gladly provide a refund for unused products in original packaging returned within 14 days of purchase. We are unable to accept returned items that have been used. If you need to return the product, please email us at pedipt2018@gmail.com.
Please use at your own risk. Anni’s Activity Chair has been thoroughly tested, for the safety of your child please do not try to replicate this device at home. In no event, regardless of cause, shall Magic Moments Therapy LLC be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any kind, whether arising under breach of contract, tort (Including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, and whether based on this agreement or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages