Sizing Specifications
NOTE: SMALL SIZE IS TOO SMALL to allow for desktop and pull up bar to attach under seating
Our device is designed for children between the ages of 6 months-3 years of age. It develops not only optimal boney alignment for muscle activation, it develops the visual system, the vestibular system, motor and sensory components needed for development.
It can be used for:
Sitting supported (erect) with a soft foam trunk wrap. The foam wrap was designed with total contact in mind, yet loose enough and soft enough to not tell your child to lean on it, thus creating an attempt to sit up actively. The wrap can encircle the body, whether buckled or unbuckled, it is still on the sides of your child’s trunk where they are demonstrating ability to not fall forward but cues on the side to keep them sitting actively on their own.
Sitting unsupported ( trunk piece is not only adjustable but removable)
Sitting and moving along the floor horizontally for vestibular training.
Sitting with sensory input both at the feet and/or trunk. any sensory foot service can be used. Carpet, rubber grip, warm water can go in the tray.
Learning with the desktop feature. Desktop can be horizontal for tracking items such as cars and small balls that roll along desktop but do not fall off. Desktop can be angled for storytime, book reading, ipad play etc.
Sit to stand. Simple as removing the desktop and exposing the pull up bar. The pull up bar is adjustable as well. There are two pull up bars underneath the desktop. The smaller pull up bar can be used to teach holding on and grasping for sitting. The larger vertical bar is the one used to encourage forward trunk translation needed to stand.
Once standing, movement in stance, can be practiced. A child who uses this feature would be ready to walk or already walking but needs to sharpen their reaction skills in stance. A moving platform while holding onto the T bar provides excellent vestibular and balance training and fun. See videos.
The desktop can transform into an easel and be used to draw while standing. Artwork is fun and stressfree on this dry erase surface. Many kids with special needs have balance issues or weakness. Standing still can sometimes be more challenging than walking. Standing in one place yet reaching and moving slightly promote balance reactions in the feet, hips, knees, trunk etc. Distracting a child with the opportunity to create a work of art keeps them in one place while standing.
Why is this important
In-home therapy has made early intervention therapy accessible to thousands of children who might not have access to early intervention care. Having adaptable, purpose-built devices that work in a variety of environments can help therapists reach more children and help early development. We hope to develop tools that both parents and therapists feel comfortable with.
What’s Next
While we have an approved patent, we are currently perfecting prototypes and finalizing manufacturing for the device. Research is being done as well. One formal case study on a child with Down’s Syndrome, facilitated walking at 16 months. Many informal similar protocols proved to be the same. More research is needed. In the meantime, please follow us on social media and join our waitlist below so you can be the first to know when the chair is ready to help kids get on their feet! We want to ensure a user friendly device. Each new prototype has revealed necessary changes for utmost safety. We are close to a final prototype…why don’t you get notified when the final product is done. Join our email list below. If you are a therapist and interested in research or using the device for trial, please contact us.